Sunday Announcements 4th August 2024


Kidszone Rota

TODAY  & 11th August – Julie Steele and Sylvia Nelson

18th & 25th August – Audrey Thomas and Sharon Goldie

Porch Duty Rota

TODAY & 11th August – Alastair Boyle and Margaret McCreedy

18th & 25th August – Chris Thompson and Lynda Walsh

Coffee/Tea After Sunday Worship:- Everyone is invited over to The Hub to meet up and chat after our morning worship.

This will initially be held on the last Sunday of every month and may increase in frequency in the Autumn.

Other activities including a monthly men’s event are planned to start in September. More details will follow in the coming weeks.

The Church Office is now closed as Julie is on holiday.

The office will re-open on Tuesday 13th August.

The Leisure Group Tuesday walks continue this Tuesday evening, leaving the Walter Nelson Hall at 7.00pm sharp.  Everyone welcome.


Private Prayer:- Our church is open for private prayer and quiet reflection every Wednesday morning. If you have any pastoral needs, please contact our minister Rev. Paul Dalzell or leave a message with our church secretary. Up-to-date contact details are on our Website or in the latest edition of the Eagle Wing newsletter. Contact numbers for Elders or their Assistants are in the Church Directory.

Storehouse:- Gifts for Storehouse can be left in to the church on Wednesday morning (10 – 12 noon) or before Sunday Worship. Please continue to donate the usual cupboard items but keep an eye on our Facebook page or Website for any specific appeals. Thank you for your kindness and generosity.

‘Wednesday Welcome’:- The Hub is open every Wednesday morning from 10:30 to 12 noon. Anyone is welcome to call in for a cup of coffee/tea and light refreshments. This is a chance to make new friends or just relax with a book or newspaper. A warm welcome is assured.

Summer Coffee Mornings:- Our summer coffee mornings are continuing to be held in The Hub every Saturday morning from 10:30 – 12 noon. Come and enjoy tea/coffee and scones and bring your friends! Specialty coffees are also available from our new dispensing machine in the foyer.

Our next meeting of The Tuesday Club will be on 6th August at 2.00 pm when HM Coastguard will be paying us another visit at their request. This will be an open meeting so if you are interested, please come along.

Election of New Congregational Committee

The Kirk Session has agreed that an election of a new Congregational Committee, comprising 20 persons, will take place in August, with votes being counted on Tuesday 10th September by the Kirk Session.

In preparation for this a list of all qualified voters will be drawn up (in simple terms qualified voters are those who are communicant members who contributed in 2023 or if only joining in 2024 as communicant members have contributed in this year) and will be available on Sundays 11th & 18th August in the church vestibule for you to check.  Following this, the elders will deliver the voting papers to qualified voters with instructions to mark the names of those for whom they vote (up to 20); The persons having the highest number of votes shall be deemed elected and will be contacted to ascertain if they are willing to serve.

Bangor Worldwide Mission Convention:- This popular annual event will be held again from Friday 16th – Saturday 24th August. This is an opportunity to learn more about the wider mission of our church. For the full programme, please lift one of the leaflets in the foyer. Thank you.

Volunteer Drivers:- If you are able to help with giving someone a lift to church or other church activities, even on an occasional basis, please use the sign-up sheet in the vestibule. Alternatively, speak to our Clerk, Dr Michael Steele or Mr Mervyn Nelson for more information. Thank you.

IMPORTANT NOTICE lease note the Kirk Session has agreed, as part of our safeguarding policy, that in all public services of worship no photographs or videos may be taken without prior permission being sought and received from the Kirk Session.

Our NEW WEBSITE is now live! You will find it at

Charity Registration Number NIC105278

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