free will offering (FWO)


We encourage members to contribute regularly through Free Will Offering (FWO) to our three main funds:

  • The General Fund is our main fund from which our salaries and other running costs are funded.
  • The Mission Fund enables us to support various missionary organisations and charities who are seeking to share the good news of Jesus Christ and alleviate hunger and poverty at home and around the world.
  • The Property Fund contributes towards the cost of maintaining our properties so that they are a pleasure to be used by all.


1. Weekly & Monthly Envelopes

The first way to contribute is using weekly and monthly envelopes which you should get annually.

All cheques for whichever fund should be made payable to Groomsport Presbyterian Church.

For envelopes, please contact the Treasurer as noted below.

2. Standing Order

Many members contribute by monthly Standing Order which is more safe, secure, and convenient.

Should you wish to contribute by Standing Order, you can normally set this up on-line using internet banking.

The Church’s bank details are:

Groomsport Presbyterian Church, Danskebank, Bloomfield Branch, Bangor.

Sort Code: 95 02 29

Account Number: 11004026

Please use your FWO number as the reference. If you would like to apportion your monthly payments between the different funds, please let the Treasurer know the amounts.

If you don’t have internet banking, the Treasurer can provide you with a Mandate form which you can complete and send to your bank.


If you pay UK tax, the church can claim Gift Aid from HMRC at the basic rate (currently 20%). This allows us to maximise your contribution.

In order for us to claim this refund, you will need to complete a form which, again, you can get from the Treasurer.

Please help us by completing this form where appropriate.

Contact the Treasurer

Our Treasurer is Chris Thompson who can be contacted at

If you have any queries or would like one of the forms, please contact Chris.