Presbyterian Women
Presbyterian Women

2nd & 4th Mondays of the month, 7.30pm

October to Easter

Archie Agnew Hall

presbyterian Women

PW is a group for women of all ages to come together for friendship and fun. Together they share and grow in faith, and support church missions at home and aboard.

PW have a wide and varied programme, details of which are announced, so you can drop in for a one-off evening or become a member.

Presbyterian Women’s Special Overseas Project for 2022/ 2023 will be with PCI’s partner, the Evangelical Christian Church (ECC) in Timor and their restoration of the Suara Kasih Radio Station. Indonesia was hit by Cyclone Seroja in April 2021 with significant loss of life and homes and thousands of people were displaced in Timor.

There is much rebuilding to be done and this is one area of vital importance as it is an effective means of communicating the gospel over a large geographical area. Presbyterian Women are delighted to be partnering with the ECC in Timor and hopes to raise £15K for the Radio Station restoration so that it can broadcast again.

At present International Meeting Point are developing work in North Belfast. They have a Charity Shop at Carlisle Circus which is proving very profitable to support the Manager and make great connections with a very needy area. The electoral ward around this area has the highest suicide rate in the UK.

The main work is in the Memorial Hall behind the Hopelink Centre. Here they conduct Bible Studies, English Classes and a Parent and Toddler group. Other Ministries will develop with their new full-time worker.

The Hall is in good repair and adequate for their needs but the big drawback is the old and ill-equipped kitchen. The hatch into the main hall needs extended and opened up, new cupboards are a must as the old ones have been patched inside due to a rodent infestation. All equipment is antiquated and in need of replacing i.e. cooker and fridge. As Covid-19 ends and they open the hall as a drop in Centre, a more modern kitchen will enable them to cook food and serve it on a counter instead of a small hatch.