Sorting donations for Storehouse North Down

About Storehouse North Down

Thousands of people in our local communities live close to or at the edge of their finances. For many simply getting by is a struggle. When personal crisis hits – like redundancy, illness, homelessness, separation – finding the next meal can be virtually impossible. Storehouse North Down exists, as a charity, to be a real answer for those families and individuals who have no safety net.

Storehouse aims to help by providing emergency food hampers by referral from partner agencies.

As part of our mission in our own locality, Groomsport Presbyterian Church supports Storehouse North Down and their partner agencies to fight food poverty across Bangor, North Down and beyond.

By partnering with established and skilled charities and bodies Storehouse North Down is able to provide opportunities for long term solutions that see lives changed and not just short-term aid. Storehouse works hard with their partners to help people move away from the need of support and to prevent dependency.

Sorting donations for Storehouse North Down

how to donate

In Groomsport Presbyterian we have our own Storehouse North Down Collection Point where anyone from the church or local area can drop off donations to help supply the vital food hampers. All store cupboard essentials are gratefully received (please see the shopping list for items always in demand).

Our Storehouse Trolley is available in the church foyer, with the church open on Sunday mornings and Wednesdays 10am-12noon. Cash donations can also be made online by visiting the Storehouse ND website (see link below).

At different stages of the year or when demand requires, we hold special events to further support Storehouse North Down and provide hampers.

Storehouse shopping list

WHAT to donate

Storehouse shopping list