Sunday Announcements 14th July 2024


Kidszone Rota

TODAY – Catherine Dalzell and Chloe McCormick

21st & 28th July – Julie Stirling, Louise Milliken and Joyce Currie

Porch Duty Rota

TODAY – Bill and Margaret Caughey

21st & 28th July – Fiona McCreedy and Richard Fulton

Today we give a special welcome to our Intern of 2018/2019, Rev Ryan Pearce, along with his wife Maggie.

There will be no Leisure Group Tuesday walk this week, 16th July. The walks will resume on Tuesday 23rd July, 7.00pm sharp, leaving the Walter Nelson Hall.  Everyone is welcome.


The Church building is open for private prayer 10.00am – Noon. 

Gifts for Storehouse can be left 10.00am – Noon. Please remember to donate as all the cupboard essentials are very much appreciated. Supplies can be left in the trolley in the foyer either on Wednesday morning or before the Sunday service. Thank you for your kindness and generosity.

‘Wednesday Welcome’:- The Hub will be open every Wednesday morning from 10:30 to 12 noon for anyone from the church and surrounding community to drop in for a cup of coffee and light refreshments. There will be a warm welcome for all and an opportunity to meet neighbours and make new friends

There will be two members of the congregation there to host this event and it will be known as the ‘Wednesday Welcome’.

It will also coincide with the opening of the church for private prayer and leaving in gifts for Storehouse.

Summer Coffee Mornings:- Our popular summer coffee mornings will now take place again in The Hub every Saturday from 10.30 to 12 noon. Come and enjoy coffee/tea and scones and bring your friends! We look forward to seeing you next Saturday.

Coffee/Tea After Sunday Worship:- Everyone is invited over to The Hub to meet up and chat after our morning worship. This will initially be held on the last Sunday of every month and may increase in frequency in the Autumn. The first gathering will be held on Sunday 28th July.

Other activities including a monthly men’s event are planned to start in September. More details will follow in the coming weeks. 

Election of New Congregational Committee: The election of a new congregational committee is now due.  A new voting list will soon be drawn up in preparation for election which will take place towards the end of August and early September. Any members of the existing committee who do not wish to serve again should notify the clerk of session in writing before 28th July. Further announcements regarding the election will take place on Sunday 21st and 28th July.

(Dr Michael Steele)

IMPORTANT NOTICE lease note the Kirk Session has agreed, as part of our safeguarding policy, that in all public services of worship no photographs or videos may be taken without prior permission being sought and received from the Kirk Session.

Our NEW WEBSITE is now live! You will find it at                                                                     


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