Sunday Announcements – 16th March 2025

Kidszone Rota
TODAY & 23rd March – Fiona McCreedy and Karen McCready
30th March – Joyce Currie and Louise Milliken

Porch Duty Rota
TODAY & 23rd March – Alastair McQuoid and Janet Wilson
30th March & 6th April – Elaine Nixon-Shepherd and Ann Williams

Eagle Wing Newsletter: It is almost time for our Easter issue.
Contributions can be sent to Rev Paul Dalzell on or to Julie at the church office on
As many as possible are encouraged to contribute. All articles should be submitted no later than TODAY to allow sufficient time for printing.

Pickleball Class continues on a Monday evening at 8.15pm, after BB, in the Walter Nelson Hall. Also on Thursday afternoons 2.30 – 4.40pm.

The Church building is open for private prayer 10.00am – Noon.
Gifts for Storehouse can be left 10.00am – Noon.
Supplies can be left in the trolley in the foyer either on Wednesday morning or before the Sunday service. There is a list in the trolley, and on the noticeboard of items which there is currently a real need for. Thank you for your kindness and generosity.

Wednesday Welcome‘ The Hub is open as usual every Wednesday morning from 10:30 – 12 noon. It has been lovely to see members of our congregation and visitors coming each week for a time of fun and fellowship together. If you haven’t been recently or never attended, please come along to enjoy tea/filter coffee and scones at this beautiful venue. Spread the word and invite your friends and neighbours. Everyone is assured of a warm welcome! Thank you.

Hobby Hub continues on Thursday afternoons at 2:00 – 4:00pm. This is an opportunity for fun and fellowship while sharing interests and skills in a safe relaxing setting.

Presbytery Mission in Ireland evening Millisle & Ballycopeland:
Next Sunday 23rd March at 7.00pm.
Speakers: Rev Wallace Moore (Mullingar & Corboy) and Rev Colin Dickson (International Meeting Point)
Each year, the Council for Mission in Ireland supports individual Presbyteries in the hosting of an evening that shares vision, stories and examples of the mission of our church across Ireland. Please come along to this event and learn more about PCI mission in Ireland

Youth Evenings:
All our young people, aged 11-18, are invited to two special Youth Evenings being held in the Parish Church Hall.
Next Sunday 23 March – 7:30-8:30pm – Chocolate evening (including team challenges making towers out of matchmakers!)
Sunday 6 April – 7:30-8:30pm – Youth Easter egg hunt around Groomsport!
(Further details, if required, from Rev. Elliot Swattridge )

Our final PW of the year is on Monday 24th March. Come along to join in the singing and sharing of our apple tarts.

Men’s Group : Our next men’s group will be held on Friday 28th March, 10:30 a.m. in the Hub. Our guest speaker is Rev Dr David Irwin who will be giving us a short talk on Rev Issac Mack who was the first minister of Groomsport Presbyterian Church. Have you ever looked at the memorial on the wall inside our church and wondered about this man who was minister here for 36 years and hailed from Ballynahinch no less? We look forward to seeing you later this month. Feel free to bring along any guests.

The Tuesday Club: 1st April at 2.00pm when Duncan Pollock will be along to
talk about his famous ‘hats’.

Collection of Toiletries and Nappies for the International Meeting Point:
Once again the mission committee are appealing for toiletries, baby wipes and nappies (any size). Shampoo or body wash for adults or children are also welcome. These gifts are really appreciated by refugees who have so little to manage on. These gifts can be delivered to the Walter Nelson Hall on Saturday 5th April when we will be holding a coffee morning for this event. Come along and enjoy a time of fellowship together. Thank you. (The Mission Committee).

Leprosy Mission Sunday: Our Leprosy Mission Sunday will be held on 6th April this year. We are delighted to welcome their communications director, Mr. Stephen McCartney as guest speaker. Leprosy Mission envelopes will be available in the pews a couple of weeks in advance and we will also have some boxes in the foyer for any loose change that you may have at home. It has been a difficult year for the Anandaban Hospital in Nepal which suffered damage from mud slides. Thankfully work is well under way to repair the hospital and the road access. Thank you for your on-going support to this important overseas mission.

IMPORTANT NOTICE: Please note the Kirk Session has agreed, as part of our safeguarding policy, that in all public services of worship no photographs or videos may be taken without prior permission being sought and received from the Kirk Session

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