Sunday Announcements – 2nd February 2025

Kidszone Rota
TODAY – Sharon Goldie and Audrey Thomas
9th & 16th February – Catherine Dalzell and Chloe McCormick

Porch Duty Rota
TODAY – Ian Wilson and Stanley Megahey
9th February – Adam Steele and Stanley Megahey
16/23 February – Michael and Julie Steele

Rev. Paul Dalzell will return from holiday this Wednesday.

There is now a regular Pickleball Class on a Monday evening at 8.15pm. This will take place after BB in the Walter Nelson Hall.

Tuesday Club: All those members who are going to the Annual Lunch in the Stables this Tuesday 4th February, please be there for 12.45pm. Thank you for paying your money in good time.
Tickets will be on sale from February for this year’s first fundraiser on 4th March, when Bangor Ukes are coming to entertain us. Tickets are £5 each, available from the usual sources.

The Church building is open for private prayer 10.00am – Noon.
Gifts for Storehouse can be left 10.00am – Noon.
Currently there is a particular need for tinned meats, long life milk, cooking oil, tinned custard, female deodorants. Supplies can be left in the trolley in the foyer either on Wednesday morning or before the Sunday service. Thank you for your kindness and generosity.

Wednesday Welcome‘:- The Hub is open on a Wednesday morning from
10:30 to 12 noon. Anyone is welcome to call in, a warm welcome is assured.

Hobby Hub continues on Thursday afternoons at 2:00 – 4:00pm. This is an opportunity for fun and fellowship while sharing interests and skills in a safe relaxing setting. Please come along to support this venture and feel free to bring you friends.

Pickleball Group continues on Thursday afternoons 2:30 – 4:40pm. If you would like to learn more and see if this is for you, please come along and join the fun. Spectators also welcome. Please remember to wear suitable footwear if you want to take part.

A coffee morning will be held in the Walter Nelson Hall this Saturday 8th February to support the World Day of Prayer. Everyone will be very welcome, 10.30am to noon.

PW are delighted to have Rev Denis Campbell coming on Monday 10th February at 7.30pm to talk about “China in the 1930s – A Missionary Adventure”

Prayer & Bible Study – Commencing on Wednesday 12th February at 7.30pm. We will continue the series from last year, as we look at different Bible characters’ encounters with God in relation to prayer. Everyone is made very welcome, so please consider coming along to share together informally and explore God’s Word.
Evening Communion Service – Sunday 16th February at 7.00pm

Congregational Committee Meeting – Monday 17th February at 7.30pm

AGM – Monday 3rd March at 7.30pm

Discover Groomsport are having a ceilidh on Friday 21st February in Walter Nelson Hall at 7.30pm.
Members of the Royal Scottish Dancing Association demonstration team will show us how it should be done and then we can all join in. There will also be a light supper.
Tickets are free but limited, and are available from Sharon Goldie, Audrey Thomas or Elaine Nixon.

New After-Church Coffee/Tea Rota: We would be grateful if you could volunteer to serve coffee/tea after church for one Sunday. Currently we are doing this on the last Sunday of each month, and only a few slots still need to be filled. If you can pair up with someone this would be most helpful. There are sign-up sheets in the vestibule. Thank you.

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