Sunday Announcements 23rd June 2024

New building

Download ANNOUNCEMENTS 23rd June 2024

Kidszone Rota

TODAY – Elaine Nixon Shepherd and Janet Wilson

30th June – Sylvia Nelson and Janet Wilson

Porch Duty Rota

TODAY and next week – Lowry and June Manson

The Leisure Group Tuesday walks continue this Tuesday evening,

leaving the Walter Nelson Hall at 7.00pm sharp.  Everyone welcome.


The Church building is open for private prayer 10.00am – Noon. 

Gifts for Storehouse can be left 10.00am – Noon.

Please remember to donate as all the cupboard essentials are very much appreciated.

Supplies can be left in the trolley in the foyer either on Wednesday morning or before the Sunday service.

Thank you for your kindness and generosity.

Choir practices Choir will meet again on Thursday 27th June at 7 p.m. in preparation for the Praise Service on Sunday morning 30th. A full attendance is requested and any recently retired members are very welcome to join us for this special service.                                                                        

Official Opening for Refurbished Hall Complex: We are looking forward to the opening of our newly refurbished hall complex next weekend. The new Hub and Foyer are almost completely fitted out with only a few remaining things to be done. 

On Saturday 29th June the halls will be open from 10:30 to 4 p.m. when everyone from the church and community are welcome to drop in and view the new facilities. Free refreshments are available all day and folk can relax and chat to friends. The Newtownards Silver Band will be performing in the afternoon from 2:30 to 4 p.m.

On Sunday 30th June we will be holding our Praise Service in the morning with invited guests and a special programme of music. Immediately afterwards we will move over to the new hall complex for the official opening and dedication performed by Mrs Catherine Champion DL, Vice Lord Lieutenant of County Down and Rev P. T. Dalzell. This will be followed by the congregational lunch. Please remember to sign the attendance sheet if you plan to attend. Also, if anyone is providing a salad or dessert please leave this at the hall from 10 a.m. before the service. Many thanks. (Dr Michael Steele).

Our NEW WEBSITE is now live! You will find it at    


This is a gentle reminder that parking in the CHURCH CARPARK is mainly for those folk who have mobility problems ( Blue Badge Holders ).

The newly refurbished HALL CARPARK is now open again and drivers are kindly requested to park along the boundary wall side, rather than next to the new glazed ENTRANCE FOYER.

Thank you.  Lowry Manson


Please note the Kirk Session has agreed, as part of our safeguarding policy, that in all public services of worship no photographs or videos may be taken without prior permission being sought and received from the Kirk Session.

Charity Registration Number: NIC105278

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