Sunday Announcements – 18th August 2024

Today we have the baptism of the daughter of Mr & Mrs Matt McGovern.

We especially welcome friends and family who are worshipping with us today

for Mia’s baptism.

Kidszone Rota

TODAY & 25th August – Audrey Thomas and Sharon Goldie

1st & 8th September – Fiona McCreedy and Sylvia Nelson

Porch Duty Rota

TODAY & 25th August – Chris Thompson and Lynda Walsh

1st & 8th September – Ian and Anne McDonald

Rev. Denis & Hilary Campbell have invited Rev. Paul & Catherine to stay with them for a few days in Amsterdam. If you need a minister from tomorrow evening (Monday 19th August) until Friday evening (23rd August) please contact your elder or the church office.

Election of New Congregational Committee

The Kirk Session has agreed that an election of a new Congregational Committee, comprising 20 persons, will take place. A list of qualified voters is on display in the vestibule for you to check and today is the last opportunity for you to do this. (In simple terms, qualified voters are those who are communicant members who contributed to FWO in 2023 or if only joining in 2024 as communicant members, have contributed this year). Voting papers will be available for Elders to collect from the church this coming Wednesday 21st August. There will be instructions attached to each paper explaining the election process. Please note, no more than 20 people on the list should receive a vote or this will render the voting paper invalid. All voting papers should be returned to the church and placed in the designated boxes in the vestibule. The deadline for returns is Sunday 8th September. The votes will be counted by the Kirk Session on Tuesday 10th September. The persons having the highest number of votes will be deemed elected and will be contacted to ascertain if they are willing to serve. Thank you. (Dr Michael Steele, Clerk of Session).

The Leisure Group Tuesday walks continue this Tuesday evening,

leaving the Walter Nelson Hall at 7.00pm sharp.  Everyone welcome.


Private Prayer:- Our church is open for private prayer and quiet reflection every Wednesday morning.  If you have any pastoral needs, please contact our minister Rev. Paul Dalzell or leave a message with our church secretary.

Up-to-date contact details are on our website or in the latest edition of the Eagle Wing newsletter. Contact numbers for Elders or their Assistants are in the Church Directory.

Storehouse:- Gifts for Storehouse can be left in to the church on Wednesday morning (10 – 12 noon) or before Sunday Worship. Please continue to donate the usual cupboard items but keep an eye on our Facebook page or Website for any specific appeals. Thank you for your kindness and generosity.

‘Wednesday Welcome’:- The Hub is open every Wednesday morning from 10:30 to 12 noon. Anyone is welcome to call in for a cup of coffee/tea and light refreshments. This is a chance to make new friends or just relax with a book or newspaper. A warm welcome is assured.

A Link Meeting will take place this Thursday 22nd August, at 7.30pm in the Archie Agnew Hall.  Each organisation needs to be represented.

Summer Coffee Mornings:- Our summer coffee mornings are continuing to be held in The Hub every Saturday morning from 10:30 – 12 noon. Come and enjoy tea/coffee and scones and bring your friends! Specialty coffees are also available from our new dispensing machine in the foyer.

Coffee/Tea after Sunday Worship: We will have another opportunity to meet after church for tea/coffee and chat next Sunday 25th August. Everyone is invited over to The Hub immediately after worship for this short time of fellowship together. It is perhaps a chance for us to get to know some of our fellow members a bit better. Visitors are particularly welcome and we look forward to meeting you. Thank you.

Eagle Wing Celebration 6th – 8th September 2024.

Programmes for the weekend activities are available in the vestibule.

Eagle Wing concert will be held on the Saturday evening in the Walter Nelson Hall – tickets cost £10 and can be purchased from Audrey Thomas, Sharon Goldie or Elaine Nixon. Tickets for other events can be purchased at Cockle Row cottages.

Something New! Hobby Hub commencing Thursday 12th September 2-4pm in the Hub.  This is an opportunity for fun and fellowship while sharing interests and skills in a safe and relaxed setting. There will be some activities for you to join in with or bring along your own craft project whether it is knitting, crochet, sewing, drawing, card making etc. You can enjoy a game of chess, draughts or other board games or join others to build a jigsaw. The options are endless! Hobby Hub is for anyone in the community to come along. (Refreshments will be available). We pray this new venture will evolve and grow in the coming months.

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