Sunday Announcements – 1st September 2024

Kidszone Rota
TODAY & 8th September – Fiona McCreedy and Sylvia Nelson
15th & 2nd September – Elaine Nixon Shepherd and Janet Wilson

Porch Duty Rota
TODAY & 8th September – Ian and Anne McDonald
15th & 22nd September – Fred Lindsay and Alan Chestnutt

Election of New Congregational Committee
All voting papers should be returned to the church and placed in the designated boxes in the vestibule by Sunday 8th September.
The votes will be counted by the Kirk Session on Tuesday 10th September. The persons having the highest number of votes will be deemed elected and will be contacted to ascertain if they are willing to serve.
Thank you. (Dr Michael Steele, Clerk of Session).

The Leisure Group begin their new season this Tuesday 3rd September, at 7.15pm. Old and new members will be made very welcome.

The Tuesday Club meet this Tuesday for their AGM. There will be two reports – general and financial – and an update on our programme for next year.

There is a meeting of the Property Committee this Tuesday 3rd September at 7.00pm in the Archie Agnew Hall.

Wednesday Private Prayer:- Our church is open for private prayer and quiet reflection every Wednesday morning.
If you have any pastoral needs, please contact our minister Rev. Paul Dalzell or leave a message with our church secretary. Up-to-date contact details are on our website or in the latest edition of the Eagle Wing newsletter.
Contact numbers for Elders or their Assistants are in the Church Directory.
Storehouse:- Gifts for Storehouse can be left in to the church on Wednesday morning (10 – 12 noon) or before Sunday Worship. Please continue to donate the usual cupboard items but keep an eye on our Facebook page or Website for any specific appeals. Thank you for your kindness and generosity.

‘Wednesday Welcome‘:- The Hub is open every Wednesday morning from 10:30 to 12 noon. Anyone is welcome to call in for a cup of coffee/tea and light refreshments. This is a chance to make new friends or just relax with a book or newspaper. A warm welcome is assured.

Choir Practices resume this Wednesday 4th September 2024 (thereafter on the usual Thursday evenings).
At the conclusion of this practice, we will have a cup of tea, chat and our AGM.

Summer Coffee Mornings: Our summer coffee mornings are continuing to be
held in The Hub every Saturday morning from 10:30 – 12 noon.
Come and enjoy tea/coffee and scones and bring your friends! Specialty coffees are also available from our new dispensing machine in the foyer.

Eagle Wing Celebration 6th – 8th September 2024.
Programmes for the weekend activities are available in the vestibule.
Eagle Wing concert will be held on the Saturday evening in the Walter Nelson Hall – tickets cost £10 and can be purchased from Audrey Thomas, Sharon Goldie or Elaine Nixon. Tickets for other events can be purchased at Cockle Row cottages.

There is a Tai Chi Beginners Class starting in The Hub on Monday 9th September at 10.00am, running for six weeks. An Improvers Class also begins on Thursday 19th September at 2.30pm and runs until 24th October.

Something New! Hobby Hub commencing Thursday 12th September 2-4pm in the Hub. This is an opportunity for fun and fellowship while sharing interests and skills in a safe and relaxed setting. There will be some activities for you to join in with, or come along your own ideas, whether it is knitting, crochet, sewing, drawing etc. You can enjoy a game of chess, draughts or other board games or join others to build a jigsaw. The options are endless! Hobby Hub is for anyone in the community to come along. (Refreshments will be available). We pray this new venture will evolve and grow in the coming months.

Eagle Wing Newsletter: It is almost time for our autumn issue.
All articles should be submitted no later than 15th September.
Contributions can be sent to Rev Paul Dalzell on
or to Julie at the church office on
As many as possible are encouraged to contribute, perhaps those from our church organisations or committees who might like to update the church on what is taking place.

Men’s Event – Friday 20th September 10:30 a.m. Following the men’s group meeting in June, we would like to follow this up with a September sequel on
Friday 20th with the hope that this will become a regular event. On this occasion we would like to gather items of value to ‘Tools for Solidarity’. Lawnmowers, sewing machines and assorted small tools are among the items which are to be sent to Tanzania later in September. If you can help with this that would be great. Please feel free to come to this men’s event whether or not you have tools to give. Tea and coffee will be available and it will also be an opportunity to plan out future events. We look forward to seeing you then.

IMPORTANT NOTICE please note the Kirk Session has agreed, as part of our safeguarding policy, that in all public services of worship no photographs or videos may be taken without prior permission being sought and received from the Kirk Session.

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